Scripts People Live. (1971) Grove Press,  New York

splThis book has been described as the best book for someone who wants to learn about Transactional Analysis beyond the introductory level. It contains sections on Eric Berne, transactional analysis theory, script analysis, relationships, psychotherapy, strokes and the stroke economy, and The Good Life. It is available in US book stores in English and it has been translated into six languages:

Des Scenarios et des Hommes: Analyse transactionelle des scenarios de vie. Desclee de Brouwer. Paris 1996

Los Guiones que Vivimos. Kairos. Barcelona 1991

Wie Man Lebensplane Verendert. Die arbeit mit skripts in der  transactionsanalyse. Junferman. Padeborn. Germany 1982

Op Doop Spoor; Transactionele analyse van levensscripten. Uitgeverij Bert Bakker. Amsterdam 1975

Os Papeis Que Vivemos Na Vida; Analise transacional de nossas  interpretacoes cotidianas. Artenova.  Rio de Janeiro Brazil 1976

Copioni di Vita. Edizioni La Vita Felice. Milano. 1999

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