Learning To Love

A Heart-Centered, Emotional Literacy Technique, Using Transactional Analysis,  by Claude Steiner Ph.D. Abstract: Emotional literacy, with love as the guiding emotion, is a undeniable requirement for a healthy physical and psychological life. Transactional analysis...

Transactional Analysis

With Transactional Analysis, Eric Berne made complex interpersonal transactions understandable especially the “games” that the “inner child” plays in order to gain recognition from others. Eric Berne (1910-1970) the founder of Transactional...

THE SELF HATE BOOK. Conquering the Inner Critic

by Claude M. Steiner Ph. D. This article started as a  proposal for a book which that has not found interest in the publishing world so far, and is yet to be written and published. I include it here as it may be of interest to visitors . The proposed book has two...
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